OnTimeDeliver - SCM Software

Web System for Monitoring and Tracking Orders

OnTimeDeliver is an advanced SCM Software that centralizes and optimizes all aspects of procurement, sales, transportation, and warehouse management. It is designed to improve efficiency and transparency in business processes, enabling companies involved in export and import to better control their operations and achieve significant time and resource savings.

Project Duration

Challenges & Problems

Difficult communication between the company and the carrier

Manual creation and tracking of orders by phone and e-mail

Decentralized data on truck orders

Increased costs, delayed deliveries

Project Goals

This system was developed with the aim of solving complex communication issues between the central company and carriers, which previously required a massive amount of emails and calls. The goal was to reduce the number of communication channels, increase the efficiency of the delivery process, thereby optimizing transportation costs and reducing delays, which directly impacted production costs and delivery deadlines.

Client Requirements

Develop an intuitive system that enables quick task completion within a day or a week. The system should integrate all business aspects: sales, procurement (SCM), carriers, drivers, warehouses, suppliers, and potentially customs. Additionally, the system should support multiple languages (Bosnian, English, German, Italian) and accelerate the customs paperwork process.


In the research phase, we conducted detailed discussions with stakeholders, collected all relevant information and documentation of the current way of working. This phase included the analysis of existing problems and needs, which allowed us to define the specific goals of the project.
Kidak Studio - On Time Deliver - Research Phase
Kidak Studio - On Time Deliver - Planning Phase


Based on the information gathered, we organized an internal brainstorming session to develop a comprehensive solution. We sketched the problem and solution architecture, created wireframes and prototypes in Figma, and documented all flows and potential problems.


The tools and technologies used for the system development:
Kidak Studio - On Time Deliver - Development Phase

System Functionality

The system is optimized for intuitiveness, with an emphasis on modern design and easy navigation through all its functionalities. Users have access to various visual displays such as real-time order statuses, a calendar view, and a dashboard that allows quick review of current and upcoming orders.

The system allows for easy tracking and management of orders. Each order has a defined status that is updated in real-time. Drivers can view their tasks via the mobile version, while warehouses have an overview of inventory and the loading schedule for the current and upcoming weeks.


The key challenge was tracking order statuses in real-time and ensuring the system is fully responsive. We developed a mobile view for drivers so they can easily access their tasks and schedules. Warehouses and other users can track inventory status and plan activities using calendar views and the dashboard.

Creating Orders

One of the key functionalities of our system is the intuitive order creation. This tool allows sales or procurement administrators to easily create orders with precise details such as quantity, type of product, delivery date and time, as well as all additional information necessary for efficient transportation.
OnTimeDeliver - Creating Orders
OnTimeDeliver - Tracking Orders

Order Status Tracking

Our application allows users to easily track all orders through an interactive calendar. This tool provides a quick and clear overview of the number of orders for each day. Sales and procurement teams, as well as carriers, can open an order card with a single click and view its status—whether the order is created and awaiting processing, accepted (with or without an assigned truck and license plates), in transit, or completed.

Warehouse Workers' View of the Loading Schedule

Warehouse workers also play a key role in tracking truck arrivals through our application. They can see in advance when a truck will arrive at the loading dock, allowing them to be prepared for loading. Thanks to this functionality, warehouse workers can organize their work in a timely manner and use the app to activate the “Start Loading” and “End Loading” options.
OnTimeDeliver - Warehouse View
OnTimeDeliver - Admin View

Admin Panel and Statistics

The application provides administrators with complete insight into operational statistics through an advanced dashboard. At any given time interval—semi-annually, annually, or as needed—admins can view and analyze key data on the efficiency of logistics, production, and business operations.

Results - SCM Software

99% time savings on emails and phone calls

Fully centralized ecosystem with all participants

PDF outputs in 4 languages, dashboard & reporting system

Further Work

Develop a financial data management module within the web system, including:

Functional specification:

The development of financial functionalities allows detailed tracking and analysis of transportation costs, as well as report generation for better resource management and cost optimization. These features contribute to more efficient decision-making and greater transparency in financial data.